To my friends and colleagues: And We are Flying!


Today we are new again. 
The dawn is fresh, the coffee exciting and prospects seem sweet.
New clothes, shined shoes,
Tiny, neat finishing touches betray our sheer enthusiasm.

We are nervous. Jittery.
Sprinting toward a finishing ribbon we cannot wait to cross.
Flying, racing, chasing!
So likely to false start and so desperate not to.

We are euphoric.
Our expectations, still splendid with inexactitude,
The days ahead rosy with promise.

Yesterday we were tired champions,
receiving our accolades with tired eyes and hollow smiles.
Stuck in disbelief, beneath the shades of exhaustion.
But today we are new!
And life is sweeter for it.

We may be tiny and insignificant,
and wrong in every respect.
But it is not till some tomorrow, that we can be tired or jaded or grim.
Postpone it.
Hold still today.
Admire it. Take stock and grin.

Laugh at the demons who told you it might never come.

Today we are new again.
I am new again.



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