15 Minute Scribble Challenge: Channeling Confucius…

Small caterpillar, makes slow progress of large leaf.

– Old, New or True.

A short but sweet challenge today. Something light for my weary head. Summarise the current state of your existence in a confucius-like proverb. I can not explain why this idea came to me as I was brushing my teeth this evening. I hope the results brighten my day in the morning. I hope it brightens yours too. You can take the whole 15 minutes, or maybe you have a pervasive feeling that will come straight to mind.

If this is your first visit to my scribble challenge, you can read more about them here. If you happen to post any of your scribbles, be sure to let me know.

Image credit: from Europas bekannteste Schmetterlinge. Beschreibung der wichtigsten Arten und Anleitung zur Kenntnis und zum Sammeln der Schmetterlinge und Raupen (Berlin, 1895) courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.


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